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HOF:Meal Plan

Meal Plan

  • Breakfast: 1/2 cup cooked organic stealt oatmeal with cinnamon or agave,1 med., grapefruit,1 cup green tea OR 1 slice vegan bacon, one egg whites, on toasted 100% whole-wheat English muffin, 1 orange, OR 1 cup cooked organic stealt oatmeal with 2 tbsp wheat germ and 1/2 cup blueberries stirred in 1 cup green tee OR 6 scrambled egg whites with mixed veggies and 2 tbsp vegan cashews cheese and 1 orange.

  • Mid Morning Snacks: 1 banana with 1 tbsp organic all natural peanut butter,1 cup skim milk, 1 cup green tea OR 1/2 hummus with mixed veggies, 1 baked yam OR 1 cup nonfat yogurt mixed with 1 cup red or black seedless grapes and 1 tbsp wheat germ OR 1 scoop organic protein dairy and glucose free with 1 cup frozen fruit and water to desired consistency.

  • Lunch: 4 oz. grilled salmon over mixed greens and topped with 1tbsp balsamic-vinaigrette dressing OR 4 oz grilled trout,1/2 cup organic wild rice and 1 apple OR 4 oz grilled whitening,1 baked yams, stemed or grilled brocalli OR large salad with mixed veggie, grapes, and 1 can of orgainc tuna (in water) and 1 tbsp vinaigrette dressing.

  • Afternoon Snack: a hand full of raw almonds OR favorite protein powder made with 1 cup of organic frozen fruit with ice OR 2 slices 100% whole wheat no flower additive glucone free bread, 1 tbsp peanut butter, and slice banana.

  • Dinner: 4 oz grilled halibut, 1 cup steamed yellow and green squash, 1/2 cup organic wild rice OR Large mixed green salad with cucumber,tomatoes, bell peppers (all colors) with 1 tbsp vinaigrette dressing with 4 oz organic turkey breast on the top.


  • All meals must be eaten with a 16 oz bottle of water

  • No eating after 7:30pm

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